Who is Terror - Interactive Film
Date: May 2016
Role: Creative Technologist, Writer, FIlm Director and Editor
Software: Raspberry Pi 2, Motion Sensor, PiCamera, Python, OMXPlayer
Team: Raspberry Pi
Link: Click here for more info
I completed the Raspberry Pi Creative Technologist programme where I got to enhance my love of film and think outside the box, using a Raspberry Pi and other techy bits and bobs to create an interactive video experience that was then shown at an exhibition held at Raspberry Pi HQ. For this project I wrote a poem and then directed, filmed and edited a video for it. Using the Raspberry Pi I was able to create an installation piece that could be interacted with to influence the video itself and even hooked the experience up to Twitter to send pictures of the users who took part in the experience (with their consent). For the film I painted different scenes and then projected them onto myself to make it appear as though I was travelling through a storybook. I bought an old dolls house from a charity shop and painted it to fit the look of the film and used this both within the film itself as well as to put on a table in front of the film to house the Raspberry Pi which drove the interactive functionality through buttons presented on the outside of the house. Within the house was a motion sensor which waited for when the watchers would open the door of the dolls house which would then take a picture of them and send it to twitter if they consented.