Forgive Me - Short Film
Date: October 2021
Role: Writer, Developer, Editor, Narrator
Software: Unreal Engine 4, Premiere Pro
Team: Nicky Gorov (Artist), Jaime Aldous (Music Producer)
Link: Forgive Me Film Link
This nightmare begins in a town very much like your own... This horror story is one I wrote after having a most vivid nightmare. After writing the story I worked with Jaime Aldous at HoriZen Productions to create a soundtrack and record my narration so that I could then use Unreal Engine to create a short film for it. I also used green screen footage to insert real actors into the digital scene as well as illustrations of the characters by Nicky Gorov. Music by Horizen Productions: Featuring Images by Nicky Gorov:
Unreal Cinematic Behind the Scenes
Whenever I finish a personal project I like to disect what went well and what didn't. This helps me to reflect back on my own work, as well as make sure that I'm in the best position to learn more moving forward. My tutorial videos have been able to help many others online as well which is also a bonus!